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APS-Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) Group Call Via Zoom

Please join us for the inaugural event of the APS special interest group focused on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) experiences on Zoom on the 28 January at 10.30am AEDT. 
We’ve created this group to nurture a safe and inclusive space to address the unique experiences, perspectives, and needs of BIPOC individuals within the psychedelic space. We aim to co-create a vibrant community where we can build relationships and engage in conversations around the topics that matter most to us. 

We recently sent out a poll asking for feedback on the types of activities you’d be most interested in participating in. Virtual meetups and resource sharing were the most popular responses. So, we’ll be hosting a kickoff session where we’ll introduce ourselves as a group and share some of our top psychedelic resources.

If you’d like to join, please register on the Zoom link HERE.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Join our Black, Indigenous and People of Colour BIPOC Facebook group here to stay upto date, or sign up to our newsletter if Facebook isn’t for you.

27 January

Nick Sun: 'No Mo Trippin'

28 January

APS-Sydney Womens Meet up